The International Thespian Excellence Awards, or Thespys, is a powerful way for students to receive constructive feedback on acting, musical theatre, design, stage management, marketing, and film events. Many entries come from work students already have done for shows put on by their own troupes!

State Conference–Qualifier for International Thespian Festival

Students register and present their work at our annual State Conference in January. Students are ranked in one of four categories (Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair), and receive recognition for top honors at the closing ceremonies at State. Those who earn a Superior are eligible to compete with their work at the International Thespian Festival that following summer.

The deadline to register for Thespys at the State Conference will be December 13, 2024. ompetitors must be registered for the entire State Conference to compete at State.

We offer a Middle School Room and a High School Room. Middle school only rooms are for the experience of competing and growing as actors and technicians. Middle school students may register in the high school rooms and if they earn superiors there, they are eligible for ITF.

Superiors in the Middle School Rooms do not qualify for ITF.

Students need not be inducted Thespians to compete in the Thespys at State. However, if they qualify to compete at the International Thespian Festival, they must be inducted with the Home Office by May 1.

Below are several documents outlining the rules of the Thespys, along with rubrics and other pertinent material. The documents are current for the 2024-2025 Season

Questions should be directed to our Thespy Coordinator, Corrine Reed, at [email protected]