Throughout the year we connect our students with professionals in theatre for various purposes. These include adjudicators, workshop presenters, vendors, and sponsors! Brief descriptions are below, along with a link to apply for each area in which you are interested. There is also a contact for each area should you have questions!
Diversity and Inclusion
Applicants from all groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) & Indiana Thespians comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other related federal, state, and local employment laws.
The EdTA & Indiana Thespians do not discriminate based on age, disability, national origin, race, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation in regard to any term, condition, employment, program, event, or service.
All presenters are expected to place a focus on culturally inclusive teaching.
You can read more about diversity and inclusion from EdTA on their website.
Those who are Thespy adjudicators must complete the Thespy Training Courses below. These are new trainings, so if you previously trained, you will need to take the new training course. Note that there are now two options: performance and technical events. Complete the course for the areas you wish to be certified in!
One-Act Play Adjudicators
Regional Play Judges: We need three judges for each of our regional conferences to judge up to six plays at each conference. We pay $30 per play judged (new rate in 2024-2025), plus lunch for the day. Note that we have a conference that is geared toward middle school plays. The rubric and rules are the same for that Regional as for any of the others.
State Play Judges: We need five judges to judge up to 14 plays at our State Conference January 24-26 at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion. We pay $30 per play judged (new rate in 2024-2025), plus meals and we will provide your hotel room as needed.
For more info on being a One-Act Play Adjudicator, contact Ray Palasz at, or Jeremy Leazenby Bruce at
Thespy Adjudicators
We need several judges to adjudicate individual acting, technical and design events at our State Conference January 24-26 at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion.. We pay $60 per round that is judged (Friday Evening, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon). If you need to judge on Friday and Saturday, we will provide hotel accommodations as well! We also are looking for Thespy judges who are willing to judge a middle school-only room for middle school students who are at a more developmental level in their craft. The questions on this part of the application ask for your preferences!
For more information on being a Thespy Adjudicator, contact Thespy Coordinator Corrine Reed at
Workshop Presenters
We are in need of workshop presenters for our State Conference in January, 2025. At this time this event is being planned as an in-person event, but there is the possibility that this event could be moved to a virtual format. Presenters who are able to teach both ways will be given priority.
Honoraria are offered.
For more information on being a workshop presenter, contact Workshop Coordinator Susan Nieten at
College Representatives
We invite college representatives to the conference to meet with the 900 students who love theatre! Colleges may have a table set up to distribute information and to talk with students and teachers about their programs.
We also host a college audition session on Saturday morning, where colleges may view the live auditions of high school juniors and seniors. In exchange, colleges are required to award at least 2, $500 scholarship offers to students.
Colleges and universities who participate in the audition process receive a free table. Otherwise, a table fee is $50
The registration form will be coming soon!
Vendors and Sponsors
In order to keep the cost of our events affordable for all students and schools, we seek vendors an sponsors to partner with us! As vendors you are able to connect your product to our members in various ways. And as a sponsor, you receive enhanced benefits based on your contribution level. And you can do both!
To learn more about our sponsorships, contact Ellen Augustine at If you are interesed in becoming a vendor, contact Steve Pruitt at